Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Debug RFC function module

Many times we use functions remotely from other systems could be ECC from CRM, SRM, GTS or other instances of SAP and during the development and testing phase we will need to debug the calls.  This can be easily achieved by modifying the RFC user in transaction SM59.  Simply apply the feja feja technique of modifying the user maintained by BASIS/PI as shown below:

Double click on the ABAP connection and choose the system you will be connecting to.

Maintain the attributes on technical settings tab and toggle to Logon and Security to enter and test the connection.

Choose Connection Test.
If no errors are found, code/maintain the new RFC destination when calling the function module.  Place break-point in source system and start program  when code reaches the function module you will be able to continue debugging the target system.

feja feja salute

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Change Transport Package

In many occasions i found it necessary to make copies of programs before i begin making changes just so that of you get lost you can reference the original code and revert back...not really necessary if you have the mastered the art of feja you might be thinking "what tha #$%?? theres version management!!" Yes there is so what!? Business still has to operate...anyway so lets say you created a copy program and now you actually want to change the package $TMP(non-transportable) to a transportable one.

In SE38 choose Goto-Object Directory Entry Change and maintain.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Currency Decimal Points

Having been exposed to multi-national organisations whose business interests span across borders i have come across the requirement to report for different currencies in the correct format as required by the customers. SAP stores the extra-ordinary currencies in table TCURX ie currencies with no decimal points allowed according to the configuration. In most cases currencies are either correct to 2dp(Accounting Standards) or Non because of the value of the currency. Function module G_DECIMAL_PLACES_GET can be used to retrieve the settings allowed for the currency.

*...assuming the ZWD is maintained as no decimal places on amount SAP will store the value correct to 2dp thus you must multiply by 100 before truncating the value, but do that dynamically its more fun :-)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

SAP ABAP - Getting Started

ABAP is considered by most to be difficult. This is entirely true, but dont get alarmed just let me explain. ABAP syntax is fairly easy however developing robust applications and making enhancements to the standard functionality of SAP brings about the difficult section of ABAP Programming. Adhering to laid out naming conventions, styles and techniques prove to be some what a challenge to the everyday programmer however with time these become a necessary tool for achieving the customers requirements.  Feja feja though will never let you down.